Unit 10 Vocabulary Crossword-Cold War

  1. 1. The US strategy of limiting Communism to the areas already under Soviet control.
  2. 2. State of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side and the Soviet Union on the other that rarely led to direct armed conflict.
  3. 3. The relaxation of Cold War tensions during the 1970’s.
  4. 6. United States policy established in 1947, of trying to contain the spread of Communism.
  5. 8. Massive aid package offered by the US to Europe to help countries rebuild after WWII.
  6. 9. A massive and bloody offensive by communist guerillas against South Vietnamese and American forces on Tet, the Vietnamese New Year.
  7. 12. A soviet policy of democratic and free market reforms.
  8. 14. A belief that a communist victory in South Vietna, would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism.
  9. 16. A soldier in a loosely organized force making surprise raids.
  10. 17. Communist rebels in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow South Vietnam’s government.
  11. 18. A military alliance between several North Atlantic states to safeguard them from the presumed threat of the Soviet Union’s communist bloc.
  1. 1. The forced joining together of workers and property into collectives, such as rural collectives that absorb peasants and their land.
  2. 4. A mutual defense alliance between the Soviet Union and seven satellite countries in Eastern Europe.
  3. 5. A thin band of territory across the Korean peninsula separating North Korean forces from South Korean forces.
  4. 7. Helped form the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. He initiated drastic reforms with disastrous consequences. His use of terror and intolerance of opposition become internationally notorious.
  5. 10. A nation stronger than other powerful nations.
  6. 11. A system of thought or belief.
  7. 13. An imaginary line marking 38 degrees of latitude, particulary the line across the Korean peninsula dividing Soviet forces to the north and American forces to the south.
  8. 15. “openness” in Russian; a soviet policy of greater freedom of expression introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev.