Unit 11 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. believes in intelligence as a growth mindset
  2. 4. measures content knowledge
  3. 6. a test for only children
  4. 10. means the test produces consistent results
  5. 12. predicts success
  6. 13. a study over a period of time
  7. 17. social skills
  8. 19. designed a series of tests to measure mental abilities of school children
  9. 20. a type of validity that relates to the success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict
  10. 22. a type of validity that is related to the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest
  11. 24. special abilities despite low achievement levels
  12. 25. believes in multiple intelligences
  13. 26. triarchic theory of intelligence
  14. 27. is the ability of the test to measure what it was designed to measure
  15. 28. the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge
  16. 29. logical reasoning skills that include analysis, evaluation, and comparison.
  1. 2. type of intelligence referring to the store of knowledge
  2. 3. "street smarts"
  3. 5. intelligence quotient
  4. 7. developed the most widely used intelligence test
  5. 8. group of people sharing a common characteristic
  6. 9. type of intelligence that includes new inventions or imaginative skills
  7. 11. an intelligence test for adults
  8. 14. developed the Stanford Binet Intelligence test
  9. 15. type of intelligence that includes memory,speed of information,etc.
  10. 16. proportion of variation we can attribute to genes
  11. 18. stated IQ = mental age/chronological age X 100
  12. 21. defining uniform testing procedures and meaningful scores by comparison to a pretested group.
  13. 23. self-reflection