Unit 11 Vocabulary + Grammar

  1. 3. The season before winter.
  2. 5. Not different.
  3. 7. When there are singers, musicians, dancers and artists that people watch.
  4. 10. When something is closed.
  5. 11. The lion had this stuck in its paw.
  6. 12. A person who works for someone but cannot leave.
  7. 15. The time of day when the sun is rising.
  8. 18. I bought ______ fruit at the market.
  9. 19. During this festival in Japan, the children slide down ice slides.
  10. 20. I haven’t got ______ sweets in my lunchbox.
  11. 21. To take something to someone.
  1. 1. During this festival in Scotland, people watch plays and listen to music.
  2. 2. During this festival in Spain, people make statues and there are fireworks.
  3. 4. A building where you can see a play.
  4. 6. Enormous; very big.
  5. 8. A small container that explodes and produces colorful patterns.
  6. 9. We put a ______ between each word in a list.
  7. 10. A small river.
  8. 13. A light inside a container.
  9. 14. The name for a king in China.
  10. 16. The foot of an animal.
  11. 17. In a sentence, we write _____ before the last word in the list.