Unit 1

  1. 2. response to a civil complaint
  2. 5. act of a federal, state legislature or local government that declares, prescribes, or commands something.
  3. 6. The person or entity against which the lawsuit is brought
  4. 9. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
  5. 12. deciding what is a right or wrong action in a reasoned, impartial manner
  6. 14. Issued by the Clerk of Court usually at the time of filing the complaint, and is the official notice of the lawsuits
  7. 15. The district court is the lowest level of Federal court with general jurisdiction.
  8. 19. The Supreme Court is the state’s highest court.
  9. 21. When a judge is required to follow an earlier court decision when deciding a case with similar circumstances
  10. 23. instructions that are given by the trial judge that specifically state what the defendant can be found guilty of
  11. 24. The initial pleading by which a lawsuit is begun
  1. 1. The criminal jurisdiction of the trial courts depends on
  2. 3. The Court of Appeals is an intermediate appellate court that was created to relieve the Supreme Court of a portion of its heavy caseload.
  3. 4. Item such as a coroner's report, a weapon in a criminal case or photographs in a civil case
  4. 7. the Superior and District Court divisions are the trial court divisions that hold trials to determine the facts of cases.
  5. 8. The district court has exclusive, original jurisdiction over all juvenile cases.
  6. 10. the arrested person is taken before a magistrate and based on the charge, circumstances and the offenders prior criminal record
  7. 11. result of custom-based laws being unified by courts in England.
  8. 13. Magistrates hold court in both civil and criminal matters as officers of the district court under the supervisory authority of the chief district court judge.
  9. 16. main instrument for allocating powers between the people and their government.
  10. 17. a panel of eighteen citizens that is randomly drawn from the same pool as those selected for jury duty for a trial.
  11. 18. principles by which its government operates
  12. 20. General term used to refer to papers requesting something or responding to a request that are filed in the case, including the complaint and answer
  13. 22. examines whether the action will cause the greatest good for the greatest number of people
  14. 23. attorneys for both prosecution (plaintiff if civil) are allowed to strike a specific number of jurors without justification.