Unit 1.2: Crossword puzzle

  1. 4. a student who cheers and dances for the school's sports team
  2. 6. the subject in school where you learn about numbers and calculations
  3. 7. the subject where you learn the language spoken in the UK, the US, Canada,...
  4. 10. the subject where you learn about the laws of nature
  5. 13. a certificate you can earn in college, it is required to be hired for many different jobs
  6. 15. the results you receive on your tests
  7. 19. a document that shows you which lesson you have at a specific time
  8. 22. the subject where you learn about animals and nature
  9. 25. when a student leaves school before he/she graduates
  10. 28. someone who works for the school and provides support to students who have troubles in school
  11. 29. the official head of the school
  12. 30. the subject where you learn the language spoken in Belgium and the Netherlands
  13. 31. a task you have to do, usually as homework
  1. 1. the event where students receive their certificate that proves he/she finished high school
  2. 2. a student who is currently on their last year before graduating
  3. 3. the subject where you learn the language spoken in France
  4. 5. a first year student in high school
  5. 8. students can store their books in here, usually found in the hallways
  6. 9. the subject where you learn about atoms and their interactions
  7. 11. something you use to keep track of your homework, tests and lessons
  8. 12. a formal party for seniors, students dress up in suits and dresses for this party
  9. 14. a last big test that you receive at the end of a semester/trimester
  10. 16. the subject where you learn about earth and all its countries
  11. 17. when a student misbehaves, he/she has to stay in school after school has ended
  12. 18. when a school decides to send a student away because of terrible behaviour
  13. 20. the subject where you learn about events from the past
  14. 21. a very formal men's jacket, male students often wear this to prom
  15. 23. a book you use to look up the meaning of a word
  16. 24. the school American children go to when they are 5 years old, after day care but before elementary school
  17. 26. something your wear on your back to carry your books to school
  18. 27. the school you can go to after high school