Unit 12 Review

  1. 3. This city in Virginia was the capital city for the Confederacy
  2. 5. This is your right to see a judge after being arrested, who will determine if you’re being held for legitimate reasons. In his most controversial action, Lincoln suspended this right during part of the war (2)
  3. 7. Life for captured soldiers in _________ like Andersonville and Elmira was miserable, inhumane, and very deadly.
  4. 9. A _____ is a soldier who died in battle, or became too wounded to continue fighting
  5. 11. The North (a.k.a. “the Union”) officially ____ the Civil War (won or lost?)
  6. 16. With a victory in sight, the Northern congress passed the ____th Amendment in 1865, which finally abolished slavery in the United States (spell the number)
  7. 17. Many African Americans fought well and bravely during the war, including the famous 54th Regiment from this state.
  8. 18. This was the capital of the Union, right across the Potomac River from Virginia
  9. 19. Ulysses S. ______ was became a hero for the North for his many victories in the West
  10. 21. This famous (and short) speech by Lincoln was to dedicate a cemetery, but it also served to unite Northerners to finish the war (2)
  11. 25. With the Civil War over, a new era called ________ began to reunite the country, fix the destruction of the war, and help the South adjust to life without slavery
  12. 29. Lincoln was supported by other Republicans like himself, but _______ in the North either disapproved how he was conducting the war, while others called for an immediate end to the war
  13. 31. Robert E. Lee invaded the North twice, trying to impress countries like France and ______ in order to get their support in the war
  14. 32. Many thought Lincoln would only a one-term president because the North was doing poorly in the war, but the big victories at Atlanta and Mobile Bay convinced enough Northerners to re-______ him to a second term in 1864.
  15. 33. In the last year of the war, the North used this strategy to bring terror to ALL Southerners - not just the soldiers.
  16. 36. The ____ states were very important to the North’s success, especially Maryland, because Washington DC would have been surrounded had it seceded
  17. 38. Lee finally, and officially, surrendered to General Grant at _______ Court House in Virginia
  18. 39. General Grant was fighting a controversial war of ______ - he knew that both sides were losing many lives, but he also knew that he could replace his more easily than the South could
  19. 41. Generals Robert E. ____ and Stonewall Jackson had huge success for the Confederacy in the East
  20. 42. Bringing the seceded states back was the main goal of the ______ going into the war
  1. 1. Stonewall Jackson was killed from wounds caused by ______ - or shots accidentally shot from his fellow soldiers - at the Battle of Chancellorsville (2)
  2. 2. The war lasted almost exactly this many years, from April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865 (spell the number)
  3. 4. After the big victory in Atlanta, Union General William Sherman continued his total war strategy all the way to Savannah, GA in his famous” __________” (4)
  4. 6. The war had a bigger impact on the lives of people in the _______ states because most of the battles were fought there (northern or southern?)
  5. 8. Being recognized as an independent nation was the main goal of the _____ going into the war
  6. 10. At the beginning of the war, _____ slavery was NOT one of Lincoln’s goals. That would later change halfway through the war (Starts with an A)
  7. 12. The Battle of ______ was the first MAJOR battle of the Civil War - and the South won despite being inexperienced and outnumbered (2)
  8. 13. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t immediately free slaves, but it announced that ________ would be banned forever if the Union won the war
  9. 14. The victory at Antietam was huge for Lincoln because it allowed him to finally announce the ______ (2)
  10. 15. Thomas “______” Jackson became a hero for the South in the Battle of Bull Run
  11. 20. The North’s victory during the famous 3-day battle in this Pennsylvania town was the turning-point of the war, shifting the momentum to the Union’s side
  12. 22. The Battle of _______, one of the two major battles to take place in the North, was the deadliest single day of the entire war with about 23,000 casualties
  13. 23. General Grant offered very generous terms in Lee’s official _______ by letting soldiers keep their small firearms and horses, and even offered thousands of rations of food
  14. 24. The Union plan for the war, designed by General Winfield Scott, was known as the ______ Plan.
  15. 26. The Peace Democrats were also known as the ________. Many think they encouraged the South to continue fighting by showing Southerners that the North was divided and might quit
  16. 27. The Battle of ______, named after a Tennessee church near where it was fought, was a deadly war with over 23,000 total casualties
  17. 28. The North had an ironclad ship of their own, called the __________
  18. 30. Better leadership and fighting on their own land were advantages for the _____ going into the war
  19. 34. The South used the hull of an old ship called the Merrimack and renamed it the U.S.S. ______ after converting converting it into an ironclad ship. It was used to attack the Union blockades
  20. 35. The war led to new roles for ______ too, with many serving as nurses for the first time
  21. 37. Both sides had to institute a ______, which forced citizens to serve in the military to strengthen their numbers
  22. 40. A larger population and better manufacturing and transportation resources were important advantages for the _____ going into the war