Unit 12 Sections 2 and 3

  1. 1. Area in which JFK wanted to keep communism from spreading.
  2. 3. America flying in supplies when Stalin blockaded Western Berlin.
  3. 5. This country fell to communism in 1949.
  4. 9. The Cold War was between the U.S. and the ___ ____.
  5. 11. The division between Eastern and Western Europe.
  6. 14. Military alliance established by the Soviet Union.
  7. 17. Organization created to police the world.
  8. 18. Germany was divided into four sections to keep them ___.
  9. 21. This was built to keep Eastern Berliners from escaping to Western Berlin.
  10. 24. The Declaration of Human Rights was a document listing the __ rights all humans deserve.
  11. 27. Having a weapons arsonal do deadly the Soviets wouldn't attack the U.S.
  12. 28. Korea is divided at the 38th _______.
  1. 2. The Korean War was the ______ in the Cold War because the U.S. used troops for the first time for containment purposes.
  2. 3. Willingness to threaten nuclear war to maintain peace.
  3. 4. The Korean War started in 1950 when North Korea ___ South Korea.
  4. 6. Satellite nation that tried to revolt against the Soviet Union.
  5. 7. The American policy during the Cold War.
  6. 8. Area in which Eisenhower wanted to keep communism from spreading.
  7. 10. The Korean War was a _____ war because the U.S. didn't want to get China or the Soviet Union involved and start WWIII.
  8. 12. Leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin died.
  9. 13. Name of the conference where FDR, Stalin, and Churchill made decisions for after WWII.
  10. 15. America gave aid to European countries to rebuild their economies.
  11. 16. This lasted from 1946-1990.
  12. 17. American spy plane shot down in the Soviet Union.
  13. 19. One area of competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was in the area of ____ _______.
  14. 20. The goals of the U.S. was economic ___ and spreadin democracy.
  15. 22. The countries along the border of the Soviet Union they used as a security blanket were called ___ nations.
  16. 23. The goals of the Soviet Union was ___ and spreading communism.
  17. 25. Military alliance established by the U.S. and its allies in case the Soviet Union attacked one of them.
  18. 26. The Chinese nationalists fled to which country?