Unit 1.2: Tok Pisin

  1. 5. English and French are the _____ languages of Canada.
  2. 7. One of English-spoken country.
  3. 10. Papua ____ Guinea.
  4. 11. The language of ancient Rome.
  5. 12. Your first language is your ______ language.
  6. 13. Russian use the Cyrillic ________.
  1. 1. All the words that someone knows, learns, or uses.
  2. 2. The most important city in a country.
  3. 3. The number of people living in a country.
  4. 4. The language spoken in Poland.
  5. 6. A pidgin language that has become the mother tongue of a community.
  6. 8. Speaking two languages.
  7. 9. The language spoken in Southern China and Hong Kong.
  8. 14. A main language spoken in India.