Unit 12 Vocabulary

  1. 3. a document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some action from the government or another authority
  2. 7. order an order, having the same authority as a law, issued by the President of the United States
  3. 10. the specific physical features of an area of land, especially as considered with reference to its military advantages.
  4. 11. a person who is involved in a secret plan to do something harmful or illegal
  5. 12. obtaining of materials and supplies , especially with care or effort
  6. 13. generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering
  7. 14. to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority
  8. 15. the period 1865–77 following the Civil War, during which former Confederate states were controlled by federal government a
  9. 17. a tenant farmer, someone who works land that's rented from its owner (payment usially with part of the harvest)
  10. 19. when two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of an amendment proposal and send it to the states for a vote; 3/4 of the states must approve
  11. 20. a group within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group
  12. 21. so clear or obvious that no proof or explanation is needed
  13. 22. to start to include more different types or things
  14. 25. is a lying, no-good rascal; during Reconstruction -were white Southerners acting in support of the reconstruction governments
  15. 30. occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.
  16. 31. to cut off supplies, war material or communications by surrounding a port, harbor, or city with hostile ships or troops.
  17. 33. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
  18. 34. a state or country is independent and not under the authority of any other country
  19. 35. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness
  20. 36. make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely
  1. 1. the states that did not separate from the United States, was operated by the US federal government
  2. 2. surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender
  3. 4. states slave holding states of the upper South, that chose not to secede from the Union. These states included Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri.
  4. 5. score is twenty so … four times twenty is eighty
  5. 6. separate from the country or larger group to which it belongs; stop being a member of
  6. 7. 1. the act of freeing a person from another person's control; 2. the process of giving people social or political freedom and rights
  7. 8. a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel
  8. 9. a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
  9. 16. (military) – extra personnel sent to increase the strength of an army or similar force
  10. 18. A republic formed in 1861, and composed of the 11 Southern states that seceded from the United States in order to preserve slavery and states' rights
  11. 23. put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect
  12. 24. take or seize (someone's property) with authority
  13. 26. formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution)
  14. 27. an agreement between a group of countries, political parties, or people who want to work together because of shared interests or aims
  15. 28. an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler
  16. 29. the process of coming into being, or of becoming important or prominent
  17. 32. an official ban on trade or other commercial activity