Unit 12B_Reading &Listening Vocabualry

  1. 1. To fill (a suitcase or bag) with clothes and other items
  2. 6. A study to find out more about an area or topic
  3. 8. The feeling of having fun and being happy
  4. 10. A university academic lecturer of the highest rank
  5. 11. Very bad or awful
  6. 12. Feeling wrong for something you have done
  7. 13. Very beautiful or attractive
  1. 1. A study of how the humans' minds work
  2. 2. To modify or change from the original
  3. 3. In a way that is not the same as another or as before
  4. 4. A disagreement or fight between 2 or more people
  5. 5. A unit of heredity which is passed from a parent to a baby
  6. 7. To talk about others behind their back
  7. 9. Relating to the society