Unit 13 Vocabulary

  1. 4. 增加
  2. 8. 療法
  3. 9. 藥方
  4. 10. 傳染病
  5. 11. You should try to get more ___ in your meals by including a variety of vegetables.
  6. 13. You can make an appointment with the doctor over the phone or by visiting the ___.
  7. 15. Scientists around the world were working day and night to develop a ___ for the dangerous virus.
  8. 16. 噁心的
  1. 1. You should cover your mouth when you ___ so that other people don't get infected.
  2. 2. It took the doctor nine hours to ___ on the man's heart.
  3. 3. Paul ate so fast that he accidentally gave himself ___.
  4. 5. ____ are effective for treating throat infections.
  5. 6. 止痛劑
  6. 7. You can improve your personal ___ by washing regularly.
  7. 12. Take this paper to the ___ to collect your medicine.
  8. 14. 糖尿病