unit 2

  1. 2. fair deal for labor and buisnesses
  2. 6. made our food yummy again
  3. 7. cute travel time in half
  4. 10. christians helping the poor
  5. 13. offered square deal
  6. 15. took pictures of the bad home enviroment
  7. 16. overthre the queen
  8. 17. bought from russia saw no purpose
  1. 1. the ban of alcohol
  2. 3. election of senetors
  3. 4. book that exposes food industry
  4. 5. election of 1912
  5. 8. journalist who expose
  6. 9. land saved for national parks
  7. 11. people that dont want to go to war
  8. 12. rich bnot to ruch and poor nogt to poor
  9. 14. goes stragith trhough panama