Unit 2 Choice Board Vocab

  1. 1. joining of sperm and ovum
  2. 3. a delivery that occurs before 39 weeks of pregnancy
  3. 8. the fertilized egg
  4. 9. couples who try to conceive and are unable to do so within a year
  5. 10. when someone can't work for part or all of pregnancy due to health reasons
  6. 11. made to widen the birth canal and prevent tearing
  7. 13. a chemical compound found in threadlike structures
  8. 14. the couple is permanently unable to conceive or unable to carry their biological child
  9. 18. baby during second stage of prenatal development
  10. 20. the rate of death for the babies
  11. 21. mother's uterus is cut open and baby is removed
  1. 2. outermost membrane that surrounds the baby in the uterus and amnion begin to form
  2. 4. a surgical removal of the uterus
  3. 5. the tightening or shortening of a muscle
  4. 6. a curved instrument that fits around the sides of a babies head
  5. 7. B vitamin that reduces the baby's risk for neural tube defects
  6. 10. fathers that get time off work after child is born
  7. 12. baby during pregnancy
  8. 15. the process that moves the baby out of the mother's body
  9. 16. stage #2 of prenatal development
  10. 17. developing a feeling or affection with their baby immediately
  11. 19. the loss of fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy