Unit 2 Climate

  1. 2. continue to live, not die
  2. 3. upside down, confusing
  3. 5. search or hunt for food
  4. 8. confused, lost, mixed up
  5. 10. compare two things but does not use “like” or “as”
  6. 11. horrible, disgusting
  7. 13. the front end of a boat
  8. 15. more active at night than during the day
  9. 16. weak, exposed
  10. 17. very strong wind, typhoon
  1. 1. annoying, bothersome
  2. 4. a person displaced by climatically induced environmental disasters
  3. 6. to eat something very quickly
  4. 7. resting or sleeping state of many animals in winter
  5. 9. anxiety, worry, stress
  6. 12. comparing two dissimilar things , using the words “like” or “as”
  7. 13. gloomy, depressing, without hope
  8. 14. traditional Spanish dance