Unit 2: Complex Crust

  1. 3. Outermost part of Earth
  2. 6. Plate boundary that moves lateral to each other.
  3. 7. Factors that drive people away from a place.
  4. 8. All cities are at risk for this.
  5. 9. Energy that has an unlimited supply.
  6. 10. Moving broken down rock.
  7. 12. Force that raises or builds up surface of Earth.
  8. 14. Sustainablity criteria ensuring all stakeholders prosper.
  9. 15. Factors that drive people to a place.
  10. 16. Breaking down rock.
  11. 17. Plate boundary that moves towards each other.
  12. 18. Force that lowers or tears down the surface of the Earth.
  13. 19. Innermost part of Earth
  1. 1. Energy that has a limited supply.
  2. 2. Sustainablity criteria involving building new businesses and currency.
  3. 4. Progression that meets the needs of the present without depleting resources.
  4. 5. The rise and fall of liquid in the mantle due to differences in density.
  5. 7. Theory that the crust of Earth is made of dozens of plates.
  6. 11. Sustainablity criteria involving maintaining and enhancing our surroundings.
  7. 13. Plate boundary that moves apart from each other.
  8. 18. Mass divided by volume.