unit 2 cross word

  1. 2. The natural landscape as modified by human activities
  2. 6. culture regions sharing related culture systems
  3. 7. cultural innovations spread to closer places
  4. 9. identifying traits uniting two or more culture complexes.
  5. 12. interactions between societies
  6. 13. adopts traits of a dominant or host society
  7. 14. direct or indirect contact and exchange of information
  8. 16. Innovations developed in two or more unconnected locations
  9. 19. Introduction of new culture traits
  10. 22. gathering of food
  11. 24. individuals and groups as part of a culture
  12. 27. cultural innovations spread by “jumping” between places
  13. 28. A central element of a culture
  14. 29. concept of independent but parallel cultural
  1. 1. place to another through the migration
  2. 3. communication that characterize
  3. 4. A material manifestation of culture
  4. 5. displaying uniform cultural characteristics
  5. 6. The interconnectedness of all aspects of a culture
  6. 8. The tendency for cultures to become more alike
  7. 10. advanced and distinctive set of culture traits
  8. 11. physical environment offers human beings a set of opportunities
  9. 15. people carry out their productive activities
  10. 17. development of a new form of culture trait
  11. 18. movement of a phenomenon over space
  12. 20. The maximum population numbers
  13. 21. cultures can develop any particular set of cultural traits
  14. 23. feature of regular occurrence within a culture
  15. 25. related set of culture traits
  16. 26. The successful transformation of plant