Unit 2 Crossword 2: Directions and Cavities

  1. 4. the brain is ____ to the skull
  2. 6. this system contains the lungs and airways
  3. 7. cavities in the front belong to the ___ cavity
  4. 12. common term for medial
  5. 13. system that contains bones
  6. 15. proximal means the start or ____
  7. 17. superior means towards which structure
  8. 22. your stomach is ___ to the food in it
  9. 27. common term for deep
  10. 29. sub-cavity that contains the skull bones
  11. 32. main purpose of body cavities
  12. 37. major organ in the vertebral cavity
  13. 38. the portion of the forearm near the elbow
  14. 39. your breastbone is _____ to your nipples
  15. 42. the portion of you leg near the foot
  16. 44. means chest cavity
  17. 46. common term for superficial is on the
  18. 49. the circulatory system contains your heart and___
  19. 50. major organ in the thoracic cavity
  20. 51. common term for inferior
  21. 52. system that regulates blood pressure
  22. 53. sub-cavity that runs the length of your back
  23. 54. this system contains your brain
  1. 1. the shins are ____ to the calves
  2. 2. the shoulder is ____ to the elbow
  3. 3. common term for lateral is to the____
  4. 5. common term for anterior
  5. 8. this system is linked to your immune system
  6. 9. this system contains the stomach and liver
  7. 10. the skeletal system contains your____
  8. 11. most reproductive organs are in the ____ cavity
  9. 14. the knee is _____ to the hip
  10. 16. common name for distal
  11. 18. cartilage and ligaments are in the __ system
  12. 19. the hamstrings are ____ to the quad muscles
  13. 20. system that contains eggs and the ovaries
  14. 21. your eyes are ____ to the bridge of your nose
  15. 23. common term for posterior
  16. 24. the respiratory system removes ___ from the body
  17. 25. this system allows you to move
  18. 26. the endocrine system contains all hormone producing___
  19. 28. this system circulates nutrients in blood
  20. 30. most digestive organs are in the ____ cavity
  21. 31. this system allows you to sweat
  22. 33. your ____ is the most superficial organ
  23. 34. major organ in the cranial cavity
  24. 35. organ that stores food in the abdominal cavity
  25. 36. skin, hair, and ___ are in the integumantary system
  26. 40. the pituitary gland is found in the ____system
  27. 41. cavities in the back belong to the___ cavity
  28. 43. lateral means _____ from the midline
  29. 45. the large and small___ are in the digestive system
  30. 47. ___ like the knee and ankle belong to the articular system
  31. 48. medial means ______ the midline