Unit 2 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. There are 60 of these in 1 minute.
  2. 6. When the sky gets dark.
  3. 8. Women love to do this, but it can be expensive!
  4. 11. You eat this at noon.
  5. 12. If you wake up ________ you can see the sunrise.
  6. 13. You can use a pen, pencil, or paint to do it!
  7. 14. You didn't eat all day.
  8. 15. You don't need to ________ your hair. You are bald!
  9. 16. The wall above your head!
  10. 18. A policeman does this to cars.
  11. 19. It's not a smile, when you are sad.
  12. 21. You are bored and tired, mouth open wide!
  13. 22. A word fight between two or more people.
  1. 1. I like to surf the _________.
  2. 3. Water comes from your eyes when you are sad.
  3. 4. You use your ears to do this.
  4. 5. I use this to open the door.
  5. 7. Winter in Canada is ________.
  6. 8. I usually do this to clean myself before I go to bed.
  7. 9. Most get this once a month from working.
  8. 10. A clock that wakes you up!
  9. 17. Saying it is sometimes very difficult.
  10. 19. The baby is crying, so the mother should ________ her.
  11. 20. Don't _________ be happy!