Unit 2 Crossword Study Guide

  1. 2. "The" for feminine nouns
  2. 5. "Her" In front of a fem. noun
  3. 7. "His" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
  4. 8. Ich _____ (spielen)
  5. 10. "The son" in German
  6. 12. Wir ______ (spielen)
  7. 15. "The" for masculine nouns
  8. 16. Du _____ (spielen)
  1. 1. "The basement" in German
  2. 3. "My" in front of a fem. noun
  3. 4. "His" in front of a fem. noun
  4. 6. "My" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
  5. 9. "The" for neutral nouns
  6. 11. Meine Mutter ______ (spielen)
  7. 13. "Her" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
  8. 14. Er _____ (spielen)