Unit 2: Effective Communication Study Guide

  1. 6. Confident and self-assured communication
  2. 8. Zones of _______ _____ include intimate, personal, social, and public space
  3. 11. This zone is 4’ to 12’ used for friendly gathers and acquaintances
  4. 12. A process in which two or more parties work toward a peaceful solution
  5. 13. Being a good ______ is a trait that people look for in a student, employee, romantic partner, parent, friend, etc.
  6. 14. The following are communication ______: poor listening skills, distractions, condescending tone, miscommunication in text messages, language and cultural differences, personality differences, poor grammar or word choice
  7. 15. _____ is different from listening. It’s only the physical action of receiving sound waves without interpreting the meaning in the message.
  8. 20. Expressing negative emotions in indirect ways, through manipulation, noncooperation, or saying one thing but meaning another
  9. 22. Third part of an I-message
  10. 25. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking
  11. 27. ______ communication can be learned, practiced, and improved by stepping out of your comfort zone in order to challenge and better yourself.
  12. 29. Communication is a ____ - ____ process of giving and receiving information through one or more number of channels
  13. 30. The following are characteristics of negative conflict ________: An inability to recognize things that matter to the other party, having explosive, hurtful, or resentful reactions, withdrawing love and isolating the other party, expecting bad outcomes without having tried for a resolution
  14. 32. Listening _____ include being defensive, not being willing to listen, interrupting, not making time for the other party, showing judgment, giving advice when it’s not asked for, making accusations, criticizing
  15. 33. _____ you say something sends a more powerful message than what’s being said
  16. 34. Boldly assertive and forward; pushy communication
  17. 38. Fourth part of an I-message
  18. 39. Begins at 18” to 4’. This space is for those that we like. The closer someone is, more we like them
  19. 40. First part of an I-message
  20. 41. Inappropriate or unprofessional posts made on personal social media accounts can lead to loss of ________ /_______ opportunities
  21. 42. From skin contract to 18” away. This zone is guarded closely and is reserved for close friends, relatives, and those we trust most
  1. 1. Type of communication involving messages that are sent/received through use of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, etc.
  2. 2. Submissive, unresisting form of communication
  3. 3. The process of sending and receiving messages between people
  4. 4. This zone is 12’ and beyond. Used by speakers and audiences
  5. 5. Communication _____ are transferable, which means they can be used in both life and work
  6. 7. Methods that tear down communication
  7. 9. The following are examples of ______ communication: eye contact, body language, posture, appearance, tone of voice, how close you’re standing, how you listen, confidence, facial expressions, etc.
  8. 10. Methods that promote and strengthen communication
  9. 16. Active listening is the ability to concentrate on what is being said so that you _________ and remember the message
  10. 17. Type of conflict resolution that is focused on individual interests and leads to unhealthy solutions
  11. 18. Type of communication involving messages that are sent using words
  12. 19. The following are ______ _____ of technology on communication: affected mental state, comparison culture, contentious culture, body image, depression, loneliness, anxiety, cyberbullying, privacy concerns
  13. 21. Type of conflict resolution that is focused on healthy solutions rather than individual interests
  14. 23. The number of parts in an I-message
  15. 24. Characteristics of _____ ________ include leaning in, facing the other party, open posture, offering simple acknowledgements, reflecting by giving feedback, showing empathy, using eye contact, not checking your phone while they’re talking
  16. 26. The following are positive impacts of ________ on communication: Maintain relationships with others, communicate easily, part of a peer/social network that can provide support, more social interaction, educational
  17. 28. The following are characteristics of positive _____ resolution: The capacity to recognize and respond to the other party’s perspective, displaying a readiness to forgive and forget, having the ability to seek compromise and avoid punishing
  18. 31. Conflict resolution method that focuses on the feelings or beliefs of the speaker rather than thoughts and characteristics that the speaker assumes about the listener
  19. 35. An engagement in conversation intended to enhance understanding and respect of differing viewpoints
  20. 36. Second part of an I-message
  21. 37. Technology can influence different __________ in our lives. This could be with friends, family, romantic partners, employers/coworkers, teachers, etc.