- 4. The meaning of “testament”
- 5. First 5 books of the Bible and means law
- 12. Numbers of books in New Testament
- 13. Someone who writes a gospel, 4 of them
- 15. the acronym for the three stages of a text
- 16. Hebrew word for the prophetic books
- 17. Hebrew for wisdom texts
- 18. Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament LXX 70 translation
- 19. Hidden, the name the non Catholics use for the 7 books that Catholics call the deuteron cannon.
- 1. What Mathew, Mark, and Luke have in common
- 2. means good news
- 3. Longest gospel
- 6. Authored the most books in the New Testament
- 7. Numbers of books in the Old Testament
- 8. Greek word used in the New Testament for "proclamation"
- 9. The acronym for 4 major prophets
- 10. Shortest gospel
- 11. Measuring rod
- 14. Greek word for the Torah