Unit 2 Progressivism

  1. 4. forbade the sale, manufacture, & transportation of adulterated or mislabeled food or drug
  2. 5. journalists who exposed corruption to fight for reform
  3. 9. Movement was started by Christian women who wanted to get rid of alcohol
  4. 11. Movement by middle class Americans who worried about unrest between poor & rich, government, & moral
  5. 12. Women's right to vote
  6. 15. wrote the book "The Jungle"
  7. 16. (numbers) Gave women the right to vote
  8. 18. book that revealed what people were really eating & the working conditions in Chicago Stockyards
  9. 19. Deal offered by Roosevelt that was fair to both labor & businesses
  10. 20. (numbers) Direct election of senators
  1. 1. President Taft's platform that said he wanted to promote US trade
  2. 2. Christian people helping the poor through community centers, churches, & social services
  3. 3. Created to make travel by boat from one side of the continent to the other easier
  4. 6. During Roosevelt's presidency, he wanted more of this by creating national parks, national forests, etc.
  5. 7. exposed how the other half lives with his photograves & books
  6. 8. Voters could remove corrupt elected officials
  7. 10. President during this time period. Nicknamed "Teddy"
  8. 13. People can propose a bill
  9. 14. (numbers) Banned sale of alcohol
  10. 17. Allows people to vote on a law