Unit 2 Review

  1. 2. His famous trial helped to develop our American principle of Freedom of the Press (last name only)
  2. 4. Plantation slaves were managed by the _____.
  3. 6. Because farmers thought slaves were a better investment, improved living conditions in Britain, and Bacon’s Rebellion, ______ replaced indentured servants by 1700.
  4. 7. General _______ didn’t follow George Washington’s advice, and it got him killed! (Last name only)
  5. 9. Most slaves in the Southern colonies worked as growers and harvesters in the _____
  6. 11. The economy of the _______ Colonies relied on agriculture much more than the other two regions
  7. 13. In the ____ of 1763, Britain announced to the colonists that they couldn’t settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
  8. 14. Britain used its colonies to collect these for manufacturing - they’re the basic material which products are produced from (2)
  9. 16. The average number of years a person can expect to live (2)
  10. 17. During and after the Enlightenment, this was one of the three things people were now using to answer questions about our world.
  11. 22. Stockpiling gold and silver, exporting more than importing, and developing colonies were the 3 principles of what economic system in the 1700s?
  12. 23. Britain passed the _____ Acts to restrict who the colonists could trade with.
  13. 24. The Enlightenment inspired our founding fathers, as well as the Declaration of Independence, the _______, and the Bill of Rights.
  14. 25. The British philosopher who had a had a huge impact on our Founding Fathers as they created our American government (last name only)
  15. 27. Journalists being able to criticize the government without being punished (4)
  16. 29. John Locke said that kings do not have a “______ ______” to rule. (2)
  17. 31. The Enlightenment convinced many people that all people have basic human ______ that no government can deny.
  18. 33. A huge Southern farm that grew cash crops
  19. 34. Young George Washington led a ______, or amateur army, into the Ohio River Valley to construct a fort.
  1. 1. Britain ____ the French and Indian War (won or lost?)
  2. 3. Before the Enlightenment, people used their _____ to answer questions about our world.
  3. 5. Laws that restricted the rights of slaves and prevented slave rebellions(2)
  4. 8. In 1763, the Treaty of _____ formally ended the French and Indian War
  5. 10. Slaves were transported along this route across the Atlantic Ocean (2)
  6. 12. North America, Africa, and Europe were the three points of economic system (2 words)
  7. 15. A crop that’s grown to be sold for profit, as opposed to being consumed by the farmer (2)
  8. 18. Ben Franklin tried to unite the _____ with the Albany Plan of Union.
  9. 19. Before markets, the early colonists did this to acquire the goods and services they needed.
  10. 20. British leader William _____ helped to win the war by promising whatever resources necessary to win, no matter the cost. He also said the British government would be responsible for that debt.
  11. 21. The American principles of democracy, separation of church and state, and local leadership were all inspired by New England's _____ (2)
  12. 22. A person who travels on a quest to spread his religion to others
  13. 26. The French and Indian War was essentially a war between France and their Native American allies against _____.
  14. 28. Colonists frustrated with the Navigation Acts resorted to this tactic to avoid paying taxes.
  15. 30. The Native Americans are ______ to North America
  16. 32. Who became famous for striking the first blow against the French? (Last name only)