Unit 2 Science Rocks!

  1. 1. What kind of plate boundary results in the formation of rift valleys & mid-ocean ridges as the plates separate?
  2. 4. What is made up of Earth’s crust & upper mantle?
  3. 6. What crustal feature do both convergent oceanic-oceanic & Convergent oceanic-continental boundaries form?
  4. 7. What crustal feature is created when tectonic plates slide past each other at transform boundaries?
  5. 10. South America and what other continent have a “Puzzle like Fit”?
  6. 12. What two types of convergent plate boundary causes the formation of folded mountains?
  7. 14. Which tectonic plate is made of the continent of Antarctica & its surrounding oceanic crust?
  8. 16. What movement do two continental plates do at the meeting point of a convergent boundary?
  9. 17. Which tectonic plate is composed of the continent South America & a large portion of the Atlantic Ocean?
  10. 23. What is the name of the tectonic plate that includes all of Europe & Asia as well as a large chunk of the Arctic Ocean?
  11. 25. What is the name of the “Plastic Layer” of Earth?
  12. 27. At transform boundaries what motion takes place?
  13. 28. Both divergent and convergent boundaries can lead to what type of landform?
  14. 29. What two kinds of convergent plate boundary results in trench subduction and the formation of Island Volcanos & Arcs?
  15. 30. Which types of plate boundary causes the formation of faults?
  1. 2. Which tectonic plate contains the continent of North America & a portion of the Pacific Ocean?
  2. 3. At convergent continental-continental boundaries, what type of mountains form?
  3. 5. Which meteorologist first hypothesized the theory of plate tectonics in 1912?
  4. 8. What happens when continental and oceanic plates meet at a convergent boundary?
  5. 9. Was the theory accepted as a success or a failure during Wegner’s time by other scientists?
  6. 11. Which tectonic plate contains the continent of Africa & the surrounding crust of the Atlantic Ocean?
  7. 13. What major disaster may happen when tectonic plates slide past each other?
  8. 15. Oceanic-Continental _________ boundaries create volcano mountains such as The Andes Mountains.
  9. 18. What is another name for the deepest parts of the mantle?
  10. 19. What was the name of the supercontinent Wegner hypothesized?
  11. 20. Which tectonic plate combines the Australian & Indian Plates into one major plate?
  12. 21. Which scientist discovered sea floor spreading which supported the theory of plate tectonics?
  13. 22. What type of current keeps the plate tectonics moving according to the theory?
  14. 24. What is the name of the largest tectonic plate which underlies the Pacific Ocean?
  15. 26. What land feature is formed when tectonic plates move apart?