Unit 2: Skeletal System

  1. 3. Diaphragm relaxes and thoracic cavity shrinks
  2. 6. Contains C-shape cartilages
  3. 7. Where gas exchange takes place
  4. 9. Closes to prevent food and fluid from entering the respiratory tract
  5. 11. Branches out from the trachea
  6. 13. Physical movement of air into and out of the respiratory tract
  1. 1. Control the air distribution in lungs
  2. 2. Diaphragm contracts and thoracic cavity expands
  3. 4. Connection between veins and arteries
  4. 5. Contains the voice box
  5. 8. Condition due to narrowing of the trachea
  6. 10. Shared by digestive and respiratory system.
  7. 12. Reduces surface tension in the alveoli