Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 3. checks the presence of congenital conditions
  2. 5. fertilized egg
  3. 7. 3 blood vessels that connect baby to placenta and grows out of child at the site of the future navel
  4. 9. baby born before 39 weeks of pregnancy
  5. 11. two babies identical and one fraternal
  6. 12. first two weeks of pregnancy
  7. 13. outermost membrane that surrounds baby
  8. 15. 23 weeks
  9. 17. virus causes affect on baby during the first 3 months
  10. 19. expulsion of baby before week 20
  11. 20. change in the baby's position
  12. 21. joining of the ovum (egg) and the sperm
  1. 1. 3 copies of chromosome 21
  2. 2. lasts six weeks and baby is called an embryo
  3. 4. loss of baby after week 20 (born dead)
  4. 6. opening of the cervix
  5. 8. baby's feet emerge first
  6. 10. are doctors who specialized in pregnancy and birth
  7. 14. 9 weeks after conception baby is now known as a fetus
  8. 16. organ filled with blood vessels that nourishes, removes waste, gives hormones, and exchanges gases for baby
  9. 18. fluid-filled sac that protects baby