Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 1. an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854, in which the United States agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a 29,670 square mile portion of Mexico that later became part of Arizona and New Mexico.
  2. 3. an enslaved man who led a rebellion of enslaved people on August 21, 1831. His action set off a massacre of up to 200 Black people and a new wave of oppressive legislation prohibiting the education, movement, and assembly of enslaved people
  3. 5. American politician and lawyer from Illinois, serving on the Committee of 13 and introducing his own compromise into Congress.
  4. 7. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted
  5. 12. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States
  6. 15. a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
  7. 18. the first women's rights convention in the United States.
  8. 20. the site of the second Lincoln-Douglas debate, during which Stephen A. Douglas formulated the “Freeport Doctrine,” in which he argued that a territory had the right to exclude slavery despite contrary U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
  9. 22. an informal, unwritten deal that settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election; through it Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded the White House on the understanding that he would remove the federal troops from South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. Ended reconstruction era
  10. 24. congressional proposal in the 1840s to prohibit the extension of slavery into the territories
  11. 25. restricted black people's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces
  12. 27. requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention
  13. 28. 1,300-mile long route from Illinois to Utah that members left Nauvoo, Illinois because of religious persecution and traveled across Iowa, ending in Winter Quarters, Nebraska.
  14. 30. The acts called for the admission of California as a "free state," provided for a territorial government for Utah and New Mexico, established a boundary between Texas and the United States, called for the abolition of slave trade in Washington, DC, and amended the Fugitive Slave Act.
  1. 2. Elected to serve as the first secretary of the board and successful effort to establish the first teacher training institute in 1839
  2. 4. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
  3. 6. American politician who served as the first and only president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.
  4. 8. a formal act whereby a state proclaims its sovereignty over territory
  5. 9. a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop.
  6. 10. strangle the southern states by cutting off any imported supplies and halting cotton exports.
  7. 11. transforming American business and global trade. Factories and mass production increasingly displaced independent artisans. Farms grew and produced goods for distant, not local, markets, shipping them via inexpensive transportation like the Erie Canal.
  8. 13. The Confederate states would be required to uphold the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery; swear loyalty to the Union; and pay off their war debt. Then they could re-write their state constitutions, hold elections, and begin sending representatives to Washington
  9. 14. a farmer who works land owned by another and pays rent either in cash or in shares of produce
  10. 16. a system of cultural beliefs governing gender roles of upper- and middle-class Americans in the 19th century
  11. 17. promoter, with its state and local auxiliaries, of the cause of immediate abolition of slavery in the United States
  12. 19. a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
  13. 21. faction of Democrats in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates.
  14. 23. white Southerners who supported the policies of Reconstruction.
  15. 26. founded Salt Lake City and served as the first governor of the Utah Territory.
  16. 29. the deadliest one-day battle in American military history, showed that the Union could stand against the Confederate army in the Eastern theater. It also gave President Abraham Lincoln the confidence to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation at a moment of strength rather than desperation.