Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 2. This Latin word gives us the derivative marine
  2. 6. This English derivative refers to courage or confidence that others find shocking or sometimes rude
  3. 8. This Latin word means swift or quick
  4. 9. This English derivative describes something that takes a lot of effort or skill to accomplish
  5. 11. This English derivative refers to a funeral director who is involved in the process of embalming, curial, and cremation
  6. 13. This Latin word gives us the derivative aviation
  7. 14. This English derivative refers to someone's ability or capacity to do something
  8. 18. This Latin word gives us the derivative suburb
  9. 19. This Latin word gives us the derivative civilian
  1. 1. This English derivative refers to someone who eats both plants and animals
  2. 3. This Latin word gives us the derivative partial
  3. 4. ________ is the soul of wit
  4. 5. This English derivative refers to the time twice a year when day and night are the same length
  5. 7. Canis and Avis are types of this Latin word
  6. 10. This Latin word means enemy
  7. 12. This Latin word means ship
  8. 15. This Latin word means art or skill
  9. 16. This Latin word means cloud
  10. 17. This English derivative refers to the force that pulls us toward the Earth