Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 3. A privilege or something that someone is entitled to have; it is something that cannot be taken away.
  2. 5. A formal way to change a law, contract, constitution or other legal document
  3. 7. To give permission for something or for someone to be able to do something.
  4. 8. A person who represents a community in the legislative body. They speak on the behalf of the larger group
  5. 9. _________ branch. In charge of interpreting the laws and making sure they do not violate the constitution. Made up of the Supreme Court
  6. 11. The formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and independent units, i.e. the states merged to form the U.S.
  7. 13. A system of government that has two levels, state and national governments
  8. 15. A person (by birth, nationality of their parents or by naturalization) is granted full rights as a member of a nation
  1. 1. ____________ branch. In charge of writing the laws. Made up of Congress (the House and the Senate)
  2. 2. __________ branch enforces the laws. Is made up of the President, VP, and the Cabinet
  3. 4. provides each branch power to make sure other branches dont get too powerful
  4. 6. Something that happens within the borders of a country
  5. 10. A document of guiding principles, rules, expectations, and promises to structure how a country and its government will operate.
  6. 12. __________ of Government otherwise known as the Legislative, Executive, Judicial
  7. 14. A system of government that is ruled by the people or eligible population.