Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 2. Waves of energy that travel through Earth and are the result of an earthquake, volcano, or explosion
  2. 5. A prediction or estimate of future events, especially of weather
  3. 6. Events in nature that may have a negative effect
  4. 9. Areas of Earth that form caverns, which are typically made of limestone
  5. 10. Describing something so small that it can only be seen with a microscope
  6. 11. Any process that happens on Earth, such as weathering, erosion, or plate tectonics
  7. 13. Earth's surface that shows evidence of the natural processes of weathering and the removal and relocation of weathered materials
  8. 14. Occurs when solid fragments of weathered rock are eroded (moved) and then dropped into a new place by wind, water, ice, and gravity
  9. 15. Forces resulting from processes occurring within Earth's crust
  10. 18. Extreme weather events such as floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes; classified by the extent and intensity of their impact on the ecosystem
  11. 20. Relating to the whole world
  12. 21. A group of interacting or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, as in all the factors or variables in an environment or all the variables that might affect a science experiment
  1. 1. Event in which molten rock spews out from the mantle to the surface of Earth as ash, lava, and gases; major geological event that occurs when a dense plate subducts below a less dense plate
  2. 3. Distinctive part, quality, or characteristic of the Earth's outer layer
  3. 4. Major geological event that occurs when plates shift suddenly and release stored energy; a frequent occurrence along all types of plate boundaries
  4. 7. The temperature, wind, clouds, and precipitation in the atmosphere
  5. 8. Earth material that is broken down by processes of weathering; can be eroded and deposited by the agents of water, wind, ice, and gravity
  6. 12. the mechanical or chemical processes that break rocks into smaller pieces and sometimes change the chemical composition
  7. 16. the process by which water, ice, and gravity remove and transport sediment from one place to another
  8. 17. Huge pieces of lithosphere that slowly move on the asthenosphere and consist of the crust and the rigid, uppermost part of the mantle
  9. 19. A rising body of water that submerges normally dry land