Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 3. Text, written works having artistic value
  2. 6. an author's unique expression of language
  3. 8. atmosphere or feeling created by the writer
  4. 9. the time and place in which a narrative occurs
  5. 10. correcting mechanics, grammar and spelling
  6. 11. Language, language not intended to be taken literally
  7. 12. the author's particular attitude
  8. 13. Choice, using precise vocabulary to convey meaning
  9. 15. the opposition of persons or forces
  10. 18. a specific subject idea or issue that is the focus of a written work
  11. 19. Narrative, written in first person
  1. 1. author explicitly states aspects of his/her personality
  2. 2. central or universal idea of a literary work
  3. 4. changes are made to improve the focus of a written work
  4. 5. the basic sequence of event in a story
  5. 7. literary device to provide hints about future events
  6. 14. unique characteristics that describe a writer's use of language
  7. 16. Device, author using imagery irony etc to provide a given effect
  8. 17. of View, perspective