Unit 2 Vocabulary

  1. 4. with lots of wind
  2. 5. schools for young kids
  3. 8. with lots of clouds
  4. 11. turned into ice
  5. 12. season between summer and winter, when leaves change
  6. 13. games or activities people do for fun
  7. 16. season between spring and fall, when it is hot
  8. 17. a place where you can buy coffee
  9. 18. season between winter and summer, when things grow
  10. 19. with lots of rain
  11. 21. long natural flow of water over land
  1. 1. very, very cold
  2. 2. with lots of sun
  3. 3. weather a place normally has
  4. 6. with little or no rain
  5. 7. the amount of rain that falls in a place
  6. 8. to have a low temperature
  7. 9. season between fall and spring, when it is very cold
  8. 10. large area of land covered with trees
  9. 14. how hot or cold something is
  10. 15. either winter, summer, spring, or fall
  11. 20. temperature between hot and cold