Unit 2.1 Out and About

  1. 2. wet from the sky
  2. 3. powers cars
  3. 4. black and white yet up to date
  4. 5. comfortable place to sleep
  5. 8. where you go in
  6. 9. opens doors
  7. 11. for letters
  8. 12. go there to report a crime
  9. 13. place of work of the mayor
  10. 17. on the floor
  11. 18. has 5wheels
  12. 19. where you buy rings and things
  1. 1. full of cars
  2. 4. where you buy bread
  3. 6. full of sand
  4. 7. great place to swim outdoors
  5. 10. lives in the sea
  6. 12. sits behind the wheel
  7. 14. hides the sun
  8. 15. you hang clothes inside
  9. 16. informative paper