Unit 2.1 Terms

  1. 3. Riders Volunteer cavalry regiment; Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood.
  2. 5. Man's Burden" Idea of Josiah Strong: Anglo-Saxon's mission to civilize the world and teach them Christianity.
  3. 9. Corollary Addition to Monroe Doctrine that US is an international police.
  4. 10. Canal Created to have a shorter and safer route from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
  5. 11. Extreme form of nationalism; creates an aggressive foreign policy.
  6. 15. Villa Mexican revolutionary; raided US border towns killing US citizens; never caught or brought to justic
  7. 16. Folly Nickname given to the US purchase of Alaska.
  8. 19. Little War" Nickname for the Spanish-American War.
  9. 21. Amendment Proposal (Congress) that US wouldn't keep Cuba for ourselves.
  1. 1. of Paris 1898 Treaty ending the Spanish-American War.
  2. 2. Liliuokalani Last queen or monarch of Hawaii.
  3. 4. Rebellion Unsuccessful revolt of Chinese citizens.
  4. 6. Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer Publishers of the NY World and NY Journal; used yellow journalism.
  5. 7. George Dewey Navy commander during the Spanish-American War.
  6. 8. Strong Protestant minister; advocated mission work; introduced and strengthened Christianity.
  7. 12. (Moral) Diplomacy Wilson's foreign policy; use of force to promote democracy and freedom throughout the White House.
  8. 13. Door Policy Policy towards China to promote US trade interests.
  9. 14. Maine Ship exploded in Havana harbor; cause of the Spanish-American War.
  10. 17. T. Mahan "History of Sea Power Upon History"; inspired US to build a powerful navy and colonize the world.
  11. 18. Diplomacy William Taft's foreign policy; used military influence to achieve US goals.
  12. 19. Stick" Diplomacy Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy that the US will use military force if necessary to protect interests.
  13. 20. Amendment Statement (Congress) that effectively made Cuba a US protectorate.