Unit 2.1 Vocab

  1. 3. the 1858 senate debate where Lincoln forced Douglas to debate the issue of slavery
  2. 7. A novel that was published in 1852 which portrayed slavery as brutal and immoral
  3. 10. Former whig who won election as republican
  4. 11. Territory that had numerous violent confrontations between pro-slavery and free-soil forces
  5. 14. A belief that ultimate power resides in the people
  6. 15. Idea authored by Stephen Douglas that claimed slavery could only exist when Popular Sovereignty said so
  7. 17. The moderate that introduced the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854
  8. 19. President of the Confederate United States of America
  9. 20. Confederal general who opposed secession
  1. 1. created the territories Nebraska and Kansas, gave people the choice to be in a free state or a slave state through popular sovereignty
  2. 2. Wrote a novel that had outraged southerners
  3. 4. Anti-slavery political party that formed in the 1850's
  4. 5. A hit and run fighting technique used in war, example: Hidden ambushes
  5. 6. This includes California being admitted as a free state, the fugitive slave act, and popular sovereignty
  6. 8. Made it a federal crime to assist runaway slaves
  7. 9. people who opposed expansion of slavery into western territories
  8. 12. temporary
  9. 13. A plan proposed by senator John J. Crittenden
  10. 16. the 15th president of the united states, had moderate views that angered radicals in the north and south
  11. 18. Determined that slaves were property and could not become free by moving to a free state