  1. 1. related families
  2. 3. A taxon composed of related phyla
  3. 5. One or more kingdom
  4. 7. smallest units of geological time
  5. 9. scientist who studies fossil
  6. 10. the grouping of objects or organisms
  7. 12. related classes
  8. 13. two or more periods
  9. 15. a record of earths history
  10. 17. similar related genera
  11. 18. evidence of an organism
  1. 2. dating measure the age of rocks
  2. 4. longest unit of geological time
  3. 6. identifying species
  4. 8. related orders
  5. 9. the movement of several large plates
  6. 11. a named group of organisms
  7. 12. two or more epochs
  8. 14. Groups of species closely related
  9. 16. life the time it takes for half the isotope to decay