Unit 3 - A Nation Invents Itself

  1. 2. Another word for 'awful' (adj.)
  2. 5. A word for the things a person owns. (noun)
  3. 6. 'behandeln' (verb)
  4. 8. Another word for 'vanish' (verb)
  5. 10. 'General' (noun)
  6. 12. 'besonders'/'vor allem'
  1. 1. A person you don't know. (noun)
  2. 3. A stick you need to play baseball. (noun)
  3. 4. "When settlers settle, they make a..." (noun)
  4. 7. "We _____ war on England!" (verb)
  5. 9. "The train will _____ in 2 minutes." (verb)
  6. 11. The opposite of 'nervous' (adj.)