Unit 3: Aboard the ship

  1. 2. (noun.) a man or boy
  2. 6. (noun.) a person who travels in a vehicle
  3. 7. (adj) not including
  4. 10. (adv.)mainly
  5. 12. (adj.) having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life
  6. 13. to enjoy
  7. 16. noun. a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter
  8. 17. (verb.) to express something choosing your words carefully
  1. 1. (noun.) state of being brave, or courageous
  2. 3. (verb.) to ask
  3. 4. wanting or needing food
  4. 5. (noun.) a person who does not eat meat
  5. 8. inside
  6. 9. (adj.) not able to be prevented
  7. 11. someone you do not know
  8. 14. (adv.) seriously without no joke
  9. 15. (verb.) to accept something unpleasant