Unit 3 and STAAR Review

  1. 3. What was the name of President Woodrow Wilson's plan at the end of World War I?
  2. 4. Place in Alaska where gold was also found (What would you do for a _________________ bar)?
  3. 6. First law aimed at breaking up Trust and Monopolies?
  4. 7. an organization to mediate international disputes to avoid war?
  5. 9. Process that increased the amount of steel being produced and the quality of steel being produced?
  6. 11. Supreme Court case heard after Charles Schnek was accused of violating the Espionage Act of 1917?
  7. 12. Who was the President of the United States during World War I?
  8. 14. When did World War I end in Germany?
  9. 16. Theory of over exaggerated journalism?
  10. 18. Germany agreed to this and promised not to sink any passenger ships?
  11. 20. The process of building up your Military?
  12. 21. This man invented the Telephone?
  13. 23. a strong devotion to the interests and culture of one’s own nation, to the exclusion of other nations?
  14. 25. Volunteer Force led by future President Theodore Roosevelt that help the US win the Battle of San Juan Hill and gain Guantanamo Bay?
  15. 26. income tax that raised money to help pay for the war?
  16. 27. Letter sent to Mexico from German ambassador promising Mexico Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and other lands lost if they attacked the US?
  1. 1. The act of drafting or selecting young men and women to join the Army in the US during World War I?
  2. 2. This made it a crime to criticize or hinder the war effort?
  3. 5. What was the name of the United States Battleship blown up in the Havana Harbor?
  4. 6. What was the name of the canal built in South America that gave the US a direct trade route to South American Countries?
  5. 8. When did the Gold Rush take place?
  6. 10. The acronym M.A.I.N spells out the Four reasons of World War I. What are the words for that acronym?
  7. 11. To help pay for the war, America issued these?
  8. 13. In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary was assassinated by Serbian National and Black Hand member Gavirilo Princip starting World War I. Where was he shot
  9. 15. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine is also known as what?
  10. 16. agreements between nations to aid one another if they were attacked?
  11. 17. This general helped the US win the Battle of Argonne Forrest?
  12. 19. Investigative reporters, writers, and social scientists exposed the industrial and governmental corruption?
  13. 21. This reformer/Muckraker was the First African American to receive his PhD from Harvard, helped started the NAACP and often was the chief rival of fellow African American Booker T. Washington?
  14. 22. A German U-Boat sunk this British passenger ship killing hundreds of Americans?
  15. 24. At the end of World War I, what US ally became communist and is now one of the US's biggest rivals?
  16. 26. On April 4th of this year, the United States officially entered World War I by declaring War on Germany?