Unit 3 AOS 2: Energy systems

  1. 4. A chemical fuel source
  2. 5. refers to the moment then the body can just prevent the accumulation of hydrogen ions in the working muscles
  3. 6. Energy system that produces lactic acid
  4. 8. When cells need energy, it breaks the bond between the second and third phosphate. This forms ADP and __________
  5. 11. When an athlete delays carbohydrates becoming the predominant fuel source during endurance events
  6. 12. A training method to develop the ATP-PC system
  7. 13. At the end of exercise when the demand for ATP decreases and oxygen consumption is still high
  8. 15. Butter, margarine, cheese, fatty meats
  9. 16. When oxygen supply meets oxygen demand
  10. 18. Lean meat, fish, eggs. Stored as muscle at various body sights
  1. 1. At the start of exercises when oxygen supply fails to meet the body's demand
  2. 2. Which system has an increase in Venous returns as an acute response to exercise
  3. 3. Which system has an increase in blood flow to working muscles as an acute response to exercise
  4. 6. Dominant energy system used for events 0-10 seconds
  5. 7. Which system has an increase in ventilation as an acute response to exercise
  6. 9. Stored as glycogen at the muscle and liver
  7. 10. immediate physiological responses to exercise
  8. 14. All three energy systems work together to provide energy
  9. 17. Dominant energy system used at rest and submaximal intensity