Unit 3 Crossword Review

  1. 3. A large French fortress in Nova Scotia that the British had to conquer.
  2. 8. Signed in 1763, this document indicated that the British wanted to assimilate the French. (2 words)
  3. 9. This act restored the size of Quebec and represented the start of official bilingualism in Canada. (2 words)
  4. 12. The group of places that protested “No taxation without representation”. (2 words)
  5. 13. The Constitutional Act of 1791 divided Quebec into two parts - Lower Canada and ________ ________. (2 words)
  6. 16. The Indigenous hero of the War of 1812 who sacrificed his life to defend fleeing British soldiers.
  7. 17. People fleeing their country and searching for a safer location are referred to as this.
  8. 19. This group lost more lives in the War of 1812 than the British and Americans combined. (2 words)
  9. 20. The descendants of French colonists who were forcibly deported from their homes.
  10. 21. This term indicates that Canada has two official languages.
  11. 22. The War of 1812 didn’t have a winner. Instead, it ended in this (a situation where both sides are completely even).
  12. 23. Those people who opposed the rebellion against the British fled to Canada and were known as these.
  13. 24. The attitude the Americans had about westward expansion was known as Manifest _________.
  14. 25. The main city the British needed to conquer to control New France.
  1. 1. Many Loyalists who were caught were punished in this humiliating way. (3 words)
  2. 2. The famous battle between the French and British that lasted 15 minutes took place on this farmer’s field.
  3. 4. The war of 1812. Was a conflict between British North America and this new country. (2 words)
  4. 5. This individual overheard secret American war plans and hiked over 30 km in the middle of the night to pass on news to the British. (2 words)
  5. 6. This colony was created because many new Loyalists felt uncomfortable living in Nova Scotia. (2 words)
  6. 7. The French commander on the Plains of Abraham.
  7. 10. Many colonists seeking independence would have seen those loyal to the British as this.
  8. 11. The war between the British and French that took place between 1756-1763. (3 words)
  9. 14. Those individuals who were supportive of the rebellion in the Thirteen Colonies were referred to as this.
  10. 15. This was the treaty that ended the war between the French and the British. (3 words)
  11. 18. The Major-General of the British army on the Plains of Abraham.
  12. 20. Many citizens of Nova Scotia were deported because they refused to sign an oath of _________ to the British.