Unit 3 Geoculture

  1. 3. A festival celebrated by the Sawa.
  2. 4. Was the president of Senegal, a poet, a writer, and a politician.
  3. 6. The capital of economics.
  4. 8. The capital of politics.
  5. 9. Full body covering bathing suits.
  6. 10. Worry about the united economy.
  7. 11. They are african storytellers close to kings.
  8. 12. The capital of Senegal.
  9. 13. Began in 1970.
  1. 1. One of the capitals of La Côte d’Ivoire.
  2. 2. A famous singer from Senegal.
  3. 3. Fishing, tourism, and the services are major activities.
  4. 5. Found in Central Africa.
  5. 7. Has the capitals Yamoussoukro and Abidjan.
  6. 11. A musical genre based on dance.