- 2. ___ is like battery in which it generates electricity from an electrochemical reaction
- 4. a separating layer in a fuel cell that acts as electrolyte as well as barrier
- 6. there are ____ types of MHD systems
- 11. conversion of energy stored in the magnetic field into kinetic energy of plasma
- 12. ________ of water produces hydrogen and oxygen
- 13. the process in which Cesium is added to working gasses to increase the electrical conductivity
- 15. substances that increases the rate of reaction without being consumed
- 1. the losses occurs due to Lorentz forces
- 3. it is uncontrolled escape of fluid from drilling of well
- 5. The MHD generator transforms thermal energy and kinetic energy into____
- 7. A hot spring that shoots intermittent discharge of hot water and steam into air.
- 8. this acts as vents of this giant underground boiler
- 9. A geothermal fluid with a high saturation of sodium chloride or other salts
- 10. the use of waste heat from industrial processing, a steam turbine, or a fuel cell to generates electricity
- 14. The earth's outer most layer of rock