Unit 3: Keeping Healthy

  1. 3. To lower the amount of something
  2. 5. Lettuce, carrots and spinach are examples of this food group
  3. 9. Creating _________ will teach people to eat less sugar
  4. 11. A, B, C, D, E and K are examples of this nutrient
  5. 12. Rice, cereal and bread belong to this food group
  6. 13. The number of food groups you should eat in a balanced diet
  7. 14. apples, kiwis and bananas belong to this food group
  1. 1. Is an essential nutrient that we should drink every day
  2. 2. Is a good source of protein
  3. 4. To work in a team
  4. 6. It is nutrient that gives you energy
  5. 7. To use or eat something
  6. 8. Is a plant that gives us sugar
  7. 10. Too much of this food will give you belly fat, tooth decay and diabetes