Unit 3 Keywords

  1. 2. Was the second Hamiltonian national bank in the United States to receive federal authorization. It was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylannia, between February 1816 and January 1836.
  2. 3. A particular affinity for a region's interests over those of a nation at large.
  3. 8. A practice where the political party that wins an election rewards its campaign workers and other active supporters with appointments to government positions and other favors.
  4. 9. Was the founder of the first principal English-speaking communities in Texas in the 1820s, when that region was still a part of Mexico.
  5. 10. Was a political crisis that occurred in the United States in 1832–1833, under the administration of Andrew Jackson, and involved a confrontation between the state of South Carolina and the federal government.
  6. 12. The Lowell mills were 19th-century textile mills that operated in the city of Lowell, Massachusetts.
  7. 14. Was an unsuccessful proposal in the United States Congress to outlaw slavery in territorie that the country had taken from Mexico as a result of the Mexican-American War.
  8. 15. Was a principle of US policy, enunciated by President James Monroe, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas was a potentially hostile act against the US.
  9. 20. Was the sudden influx of fortune seekers in California that started as soon as gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in early 1848 and peaked in 1852.
  10. 23. Was the first women’s rights convention in the United States. Held in July 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, the meeting launched the women’s suffrage movement
  11. 24. A prominent supporter of the Missouri Compromise (1820) and the Compromise of 1850, both attempts to protect the American union from regional turmoil over slavery, this statesman and congressman from the United States was known for his American System, which included a national bank, the tariff, and internal improvements to promote economic stability and prosperity.
  12. 26. Was an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer, who is best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin but also made significinat contributions to developing the concept of mass production of interchangeable parts.
  13. 27. A derogatory term for state banks selected by the U.S. Department of Treasury to receive surplus Treasury funds in 1833.
  14. 28. A deal that transpired after the US gained possession of most of northern Mexico in 1848.
  15. 29. An overland route that connected Independence, Missouri, and Oregon City, which is now close to Portland, Oregon, in the valley of the Willamette River. In the 19th century, it was one of the two primary emigration routes to the American West.
  1. 1. Was a treaty that established the border between the United States and New Spain in 1819 and ceded Florida to the United States.
  2. 4. A historic waterway of the United States, connecting the Great Lakes with New York City via the Hudson River at Albany.
  3. 5. The national mood of the United States from 1815 to 1825, as first described by the Boston Columbian Centinel on July 12, 1817. The period of time is commonly associated with President James Monroe's two presidential terms (1817-25), but it actually began in 1815, when, for the first time since the Napoleonic Wars ended, American citizens could afford to pay less attention to European political and military concerns.
  4. 6. Historians' term for what they believe to have been a dominant value system among the upper and middle classes in the United States during the 19th century.
  5. 7. A negotiated settlement between the North and the South that was approved by the US Congress allowed Missouri to become the country's 24th state (1821).
  6. 11. An ideology that prioritizes a person's loyalty to the nation-state over their own or other people's interests.
  7. 13. The supposed inevitability of the continued territorial expansion of the boundaries of the United States westward to the Pacific and beyond.
  8. 16. A system that existed in the Northern states before the American Civil War whereby sympathetic Northerners helped fugitive slaves from the South escape to safety in the North or in Canada in defiance of the Fugitive Slave Acts.
  9. 17. American presidential election held in 1824, in which John Quincy Adams was elected by the House of Representatives after Andrew Jackson won the most popular and electoral votes but failed to receive a majority.
  10. 18. A political party established in 1834 by the opponents of Jacksonian Democrats, and the leader of the party, President Andrew Jackson.
  11. 19. The forced removal of Eastern Woodlands Indians from the Southeast of the United States during the 1830s to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River, including tribes like the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminoles.
  12. 21. Treaty between the United States and Mexico that ended the Mexican War.
  13. 22. Was a Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States.
  14. 25. 18th-century Franciscan mission in San Antonio, Texas, U.S., that was the site of a historic resistance effort by a small group of determined fighters for Texan independence (1836) from Mexico.