Unit 3: Migration Vocabulary

  1. 3. A change in the migration pattern in a society that results from industrialization, population growth, and other social and economic changes that also produces demographic transition
  2. 4. Migration TO a location
  3. 6. Someone who has migrated to another country in the hope of being recognized as a refugee
  4. 11. The migrant has chosen to move, usually for economic reasons, though sometimes for environmental reasons
  5. 12. Someone who has been forced to migrate to another country to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights, or other disasters and cannot return for fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion
  6. 13. Maximum limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the United States during a one year period
  7. 14. Something that causes people to move to a new location
  1. 1. An environmental or cultural feature of the landscape that hinders migration
  2. 2. The migrant has been compelled to move by cultural or environmental factors
  3. 5. Something that causes people to move out of their present location
  4. 7. A Permanent move to a new location
  5. 8. Someone who has been forced to migrate for similar political reasons as a refugee but has not migrated across an international border
  6. 9. The difference between the number of immigrants (people coming to a country) and the number of emigrants
  7. 10. Transfer of money by workers to people in the country from which they emigrated