  1. 2. prevents 1 branch from becoming too powerful
  2. 4. 3/5 of slaves count for population and the number of votes in House Of Rep.
  3. 5. One of founding fathers of US negotiator and signatory of Treaty of Paris 1783
  4. 7. People have power to govern themselves
  5. 9. Executive, Legislative, Judical
  6. 12. Collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison,and John Jay to promote ratification of US Constitution
  7. 13. Elected officials must obey law and the government has limited power
  8. 15. Farmers rebel over paying taxes
  9. 16. 4th president during war of 1812
  10. 18. Congress passes amendment when 2/3 vote and 3/4 pf states ratify amendment
  11. 19. power is divided and shared between states and national government
  1. 1. 1st President
  2. 3. government is divided between 3 branches
  3. 6. People elect representatives to make laws
  4. 8. Action of signing or giving formal consent to treaty , conduct , or agreement
  5. 10. Bill of Rights protects individual rights
  6. 11. Argued for National Bank and was washingtons secretary of treasury
  7. 14. States get equal votes in congress
  8. 17. States get votes in congress based on population