Unit 3 Review

  1. 1. Respiratory SyStem Function
  2. 4. product of cellular respiration/metabolism
  3. 6. subunit of fat
  4. 7. acid subunit of protein
  5. 8. Chemical reaction that produces energy, Cellular ___________
  6. 9. Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids
  7. 11. subunit of carbohydrates
  8. 12. When would your metabolism/cellular respiration slow?
  9. 14. Folds to increase surface area
  10. 16. Organs that perform gas exchange
  11. 17. Molecule we take in as a reactant in metabolism
  1. 2. Cells to store fat macromolecules
  2. 3. When you're _____________ your metabolism reactions would increase
  3. 5. function of the digestive system is to break ______________ into subunits
  4. 10. When you're at _____________ your metabolism reactions decrease
  5. 13. System that transports nutrients to and waste from cells
  6. 15. A possible reactant of metabolism/ cellular respiration