Unit 3 Spelling Crossword

  1. 4. I enjoy ______ brownies.
  2. 6. I ______ my mom bake cookies.
  3. 9. I _______ at the red light.
  4. 11. We learned how to milk a cow and ride a tractor when we went farming.
  5. 13. Be careful when ______ how long to cook cookies so you don't burn them.
  6. 14. I had a bad dream last _____.
  7. 16. A doctor uses a scale to see how much you _____.
  8. 18. I cut and _____ the words onto my paper.
  9. 20. I like ______ around and laughing with my friends.
  1. 1. Most people _____ with a pencil.
  2. 2. The fastest ___ to get home is by car.
  3. 3. When turning, you can either go left or _____.
  4. 5. I _____ for the president during the elections.
  5. 7. The sink was _______ water.
  6. 8. I went school ________ with my mom for new shoes.
  7. 10. I have _____ siblings, five brothers and three sisters.
  8. 12. I ___ chicken and corn for dinner last night.
  9. 15. I hugged my best friend tight because I was excited to see her.
  10. 17. I like ______ at my favorite restaurant.
  11. 19. I have gotten an eyelash in my ___ before; it hurts.