Unit 3 Study Guide

  1. 3. Theory of Operant conditioning
  2. 4. Created the cognitive theory
  3. 6. ability to understand that relationships between two objects can extend to a third object
  4. 9. gradual increase in skills and abilites
  5. 11. Formal Operational was this number stage
  6. 14. physical changes
  7. 15. created the hierarchy of needs
  8. 16. introduced the 4 stages of cognitive development
  9. 18. first stage in Piaget's stages of development
  10. 19. Piaget's third stage (____ operational)
  11. 20. Theory of classical conditoning
  1. 1. something can remain the same even if the way it looks changes
  2. 2. Erikson had this many stages of development
  3. 5. Trust vs. mistrust was this number stage in Erikson's stages of development
  4. 7. ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common
  5. 8. belief that individual's behavior is determined by forces in the environment beyond their control
  6. 9. Pavlov used this animal to prove his theory
  7. 10. First stage of needs on Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  8. 12. Created the sociocultural theory
  9. 13. processes involving thought and knowledge
  10. 17. Created the Psychosocial theory